Vacqueyras 2011

AOP Vacqueyras Red


  • 88 pts Wine Spectator
  • 92 pts Wine Advocate
  • 15/20 Bettane & Desseauve


Deep and dark red colour. The nose begins with ripe red fruit, spices and notes of the garrigue, which are typical of this particular terroir. To the palate it is generous and the silky smooth tannins are fully expressed, producing a fresh-tasting and elegant finish (June 2014).

Food & wine pairings

Terrine of pheasant with foie gras
Stuffed quail & truffle-flavoured mousseline

Detailed information


The hot dry spring heralded an early harvest. But a contrasted summer (July was cool and wet, August hot and dry) followed by a fine Indian summer proved ideal for grape ripeness. Harvests began on the 14th September.


Plots are selected on the “Garrigue” sector, on rocky soils of alluvial origin. This terroir produces dark wines, with notes of fruit and hints of spices.


De-stemming and pressing. Alternation of punch-downs and rack-and-return operations during the maceration stage. 15 months of elevage for the Syrah wine in 275-litre oak Laurus barrels (1, 2 and 3 wines).
Production: 6,600 bottles
Bottled on: 27/11/2013


Best served at 14-16° C
Optimum maturity: 2014-2021

Degree of alcohol

14,5% vol.
Technical sheetHD labelHD Packshot

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