The art of tasting

Knowing your wine-or how to shine in society

The arrival of summer is the start of the silly season when our social calendar fills up and evenings spent with friends are aplenty. This often equates to many more occasions to imbibe wine which are also a dream opportunity to share everything you have gleaned on this most social of beverages. Read on for Gabriel Meffre’s top wine tips that will lift the veil on different aspects of the world of wine. Drop them into conversation at your next soirée and you will simply shine!

Easter in Springtime

The return of milder temperatures, the end of pruning, the blossoming of almond trees, the appearance of the first buds… so many reasons to celebrate the arrival of spring in at the vineyards! Not to mention it’s the perfect time to take a tour of the latest burgeoning news from Gabriel Meffre

Wine and tannins

Tannins. We’ve all heard of them. But where do they come from? What purpose do they serve in wine? In this article, we shine a light on the origins and function of this common but little known substance.

Discovering the art of pairing wine and chocolate

A morsel of white chocolate, Black Forest gâteau, pieces of stem ginger wrapped in chocolate, or Mexican chicken in chocolate sauce—all very appetising, but which wine would you serve with each one? Food and wine pairings factor in a combination of elements, such as the terroir, our powers of concentration, the circumstances of the tasting session, our sense memory and more. We guide you through some of the basic principles of this fascinating world!