
The story of the bottle

Provençale’, ‘Rhodanienne’, ‘Bourguignonne’, ‘Ligérienne’: each one has a specific weight, shape and name depending on the region it comes from… We are of course talking about the wine bottle! The bottle has enabled increasing mastery of wine over the centuries. It has led to an improvement in the preservation and, as a result, the quality of wines.

Three French terms you should know to shine during tasting sessions

“Il a une belle robe, il est gouleyant, il a de la cuisse”. Coluche’s line in the film L’Aile ou la Cuisse (The Wing or the Thigh) has become a well-known phrase. But what does ‘gouleyant’ mean? And what is the ‘cuisse’ and the ‘robe’ of a wine? There is no shortage of adjectives to choose from when talking about wine. Maison Gabriel Meffre throws a little light on the tricky language of wine tasting.